During the international Conference for Agricultural Engineering AgEng in Wageningen VERA was given the opportunity on 17 July 2018 to run an own 1.5 hour session about the status of VERA with regard to organisational and technical aspects.
Iris Beckert as head of the international VERA Secretariat presented the newest developments in terms of new verifications and the transfer of the international Secretariat to the Netherlands in October as well as the on-going communication with the European Commission on the future of the EU-ETV system and the potential collaboration with VERA.
You will find the full presentation here:
In the following, Julio Mosquera, one of our VERA experts, gave an overview of all the amendments made in the revised VERA test protocols on Covers and other mitigation systems, on Slurry Separation as well as Housing Systems and Air cleaners. The four revised documents are expected to be published in September this year. In more details he presented the changes of the test protocol for covers which is already approved by both the VERA experts and the VERA Board and as such probably the first one to be published. Also, a German version will be published later. All the revised protocols were amended to reflect the latest state-of-the-art. Their structure was harmonized to help the user navigate through the document more easily. In addition, the requirements and recommendations are provided more precisely, e.g. in the description of sampling and testing certain parameters. Some test protocols will not include odour measurements any more as olfactometry might not be accepted in some countries for certain application areas.