Of all the emission reducing technologies in agriculture, air cleaners are probably the most regulated in the different countries, a situation that posed a particular challenge for achieving common agreements during the revision of this VERA test protocol. In this regard, the task here was to formulate a test protocol with measurements that would fit the requirements of all three countries and reflect the latest state-of-the-art.
The new document indicates the requirements and recommendations much more precisely, especially with regard to the description of sampling and testing certain parameters, and provides a more detailed description of data treatment and calculation of different parameters, such as emissions and N balances.
Now, after final approval of the VERA Board, it is ready for publication. We are glad that the revised version is now available for free download on our sub-page ‘test protocols’.
This revised document was drawn up by nominated international experts of the International VERA Committee (IVC) for Air Cleaning Systems:
For Denmark:
Anders Feilberg, Aarhus University
Michael Jørgen Hansen, Aarhus University
For Germany:
Jochen Hahne, Thünen Institute
Volker Siemers, DLG
For the Netherlands:
Roland Melse, WUR
Nico Ogink, WUR
Many thanks to these VERA experts for their effort and their excellent work on this particularly challenging task!